In Memoriam, WaywardPlane.


a flag with the personal emblem of WaywardPlane, my deceased roommate, flown off the side of a boat. the Vulcan rocket is seen on the pad in the background on shore.
A cardstock urn bedecked with assorted stickers featuring Wayward's logo sits on the rear step of a boat, in front of an outboard engine. A laptop playing a video memorial is seen beside, though the screen is too faint to make out.

Wayward Plane fouled the Eastern Test Range one last time, on January 7th, 2024, roughly two and a half years after their passing, ahead of the launch of ULA’s Vulcan Rocket, with their closest friends in attendance. They left behind their home, their cat, their car, LaunchRats, and a wealth of caring friends when they passed.

If you never had the chance to meet them, WESH 2 gave them an opportunity to tell their story right towards the end of their life.

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